The Municipality of Central Elgin strives to ensure safe transportation routes as effectively and economically as possible. The road network encompasses a range of assets such as the roads themselves, as well as culverts, curbs and gutters and even the roadside signage.


In order to maintain roads, sidewalks and boulevards, Central Elgin conducts regular construction projects and road closures. Review the standard road and sidewalk maintenance procedures below:

Road Permits and Applications

The Municipality of Central Elgin issues the following road permits:

Road Jurisdictions

The Municipality is responsible for all roadways within our municipal boundaries with the exception of roads owned by the County of Elgin and the Ministry of Transportation.

Map of Road Networks


Parking regulations ensure that pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers are able to travel safely and efficiently in the Municipality. To learn more about our municipal parking lots and how to navigate, please visit the Parking Section

Reduced Load Restrictions

To help protect specific roads that are prone to the spring thaw, Central Elgin has an annual "half-load" restriction period. To learn more please visit the Reduced Load Restrictions Section