The Municipality of Central Elgin strives to ensure safe transportation routes as effectively and economically as possible. The road network encompasses a range of assets such as the roads themselves, as well as culverts, curbs and gutters and even the roadside signage.


In order to maintain roads, sidewalks and boulevards, Central Elgin conducts regular construction projects and road closures. Review the standard road and sidewalk maintenance procedures below:

Road Maintenance

The Municipality of Central Elgin maintains approximately 210 km of road. To report a road needing work please fill out the Report a Problem form, or if you have any questions please feel free to contact the Infrastructure and Community Services Coordinator.

Typical maintenance performed by the Municipality includes:

  • Grading gravel roads and shoulders
  • Ditching
  • Roadside grass mowing
  • Brushing and grubbing
  • Application of dust suppressants on gravel roads
  • Asphalt patching
  • Line marking
  • Curb repairs
  • Debris and litter pick-up

For more information on our road maintenance procedures visit the dedicated Road Maintenance page.

Sidewalk Maintenance

Regular sidewalk maintenance helps improve the walkability of our communities. Here are some benefits:
  • Creation of less pollution as residents walk to nearby destinations instead of driving
  • Increased access to local businesses promotes economic development
  • Builds a sense of community as neighbourhoods are transformed into pedestrian-friendly, attractive places to live

Winter Control

The Municipality’s winter control procedures are in place to meet the Minimum Maintenance Standards as set out in the Municipal Act.  As such, some streets are given a higher priority. Not all streets will be maintained in the winter to the same degree.  The degree of winter maintenance will vary in accordance with the roll the road/street plays in the transportation network and its classification according to the Minimum Maintenance Standards.


Municipal roads are maintained according to guidelines laid out by the Province. This means the first areas prioritized for snow clearing are:

  • high-traffic routes: These roads carry a higher volume of cyclist and vehicle traffic, including bus routes

  • roads to vital destinations: Residents and emergency services use these roads to get to hospitals, schools and to travel in and out of the City.


Plowing usually begins after more than 80mm of snow has fallen and the storm has passed. This time may vary depending on staff availability.

If needed, sidewalks may be treated with salt or sand as soon staff equipment becomes available, and during normal working hours.


Plowing will commence when snow has accumulated to 80mm and the storm is substantially over.  This time may vary due to the availability of manpower. Plowing will be carried out during normal working hours.

End of Driveway Snow Piles

Although we all look forward to the streets being plowed, no one looks forward to the snow pile at the end of the driveway. As the plow passes through driveways, snow falls to one side, forming a windrow. It is the responsibility of the homeowner to clear the snow left by the plow.

Mail Boxes

The Municipality will replace broken mail boxes only if snow removal equipment makes physical contact with the mailbox. Landowners are responsible to ensure mail boxes are secure.

Encroachment on Roads

The Municipality will not be responsible or held liable for damage to private installations (basketball nets, landscaping features or other decorations) which encroach on the Municipal Right of Way. It is encouraged that landowners remove any existing items that may encroach onto the right of way. Any items that are fixed such as boulders or posts that pose a threat to public safety will be required to be moved at the landowner’s expense.


Road Permits and Applications

The Municipality of Central Elgin issues the following road permits:

Road Jurisdictions

The Municipality is responsible for all roadways within our municipal boundaries with the exception of roads owned by the County of Elgin and the Ministry of Transportation.

Map of Road Networks


Parking regulations ensure that pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers are able to travel safely and efficiently in the Municipality. To learn more about our municipal parking lots and how to navigate, please visit the Parking Section

Reduced Load Restrictions

To help protect specific roads that are prone to the spring thaw, Central Elgin has an annual "half-load" restriction period. To learn more please visit the Reduced Load Restrictions Section