Are you looking to undertake a new build/development within Central Elgin? Did you know you are required to book a pre-consultation with the Central Elgin Planning Office? 

The Province of Ontario has released the new 2024 Ontario Building Code to reduce regulatory burdens for the construction industry, increase the safety and quality of buildings, and make it easier to build housing. The 2024 Ontario Building Code comes into effect January 1, 2025. Learn more and see some of the highlights from the 2024 Ontario Building Code

The Municipality of Central Elgin's Planning and Development Department, supported by the Central Elgin Planning Office, is responsible for assisting Council and members of the public with land use planning. This includes:

  • Determining how communities should be shaped
  • Where homes and businesses should be built
  • Where parks and schools should be located
  • Where and how other essential services should be provided

Official Plan and Zoning

The Municipality's Official Plan and Zoning By-laws regulate land use and planning throughout the communities. You'll need to make sure that your building or planning proposal complies with the Official Plan and Zoning By-laws.

Development Charges

Depending on your application, you may need to pay development charges to cover the cost of infrastructure to service your new development. Review the development charges for the Municipality on the dedicated Development Charges page.

Planning Applications

Sometimes there are situations where property restrictions affect the property owner's project goals. In these situations, property owners should arrange a pre-consultation meeting with the Central Elgin Planning Office.

Types of Planning Applications

Minor Variance

A minor variance is a change or permission from the Zoning By-Law. A minor variance does not change the zoning of a property, it only allows for minor relief from specific requirements of the Zoning By-law.

The Committee of Adjustment will review the circumstances regarding each Minor Variance application. The Committee then considers the following questions regarding an application before reaching a decision:

  • Is the variance minor in nature?
  • Is the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan maintained?
  • Is the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law maintained?
  • Is it desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building, or structure?
  1. Applicant has a pre-consultation (Pre-Consultation Form
  2. Applicant submits application with the required fee
  3. Notice of Public Hearing - The Municipality will send a Public Hearing Notice to surrounding property owners, a minimum 10 days before the Hearing and post a sign on the property to advise the public of an application for Minor Variance.
  4. Public Hearing - Anyone may attend, and may speak or provide a written submission regarding the application.
  5. Decision - Written copy of the Decision is mailed to the applicant and to anyone who made written request.
  6. Appeal - If there is no appeal, the decision is final and binding 20 days after the decision is made. If there is an appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal, then they may hold a hearing.

The application fee is $553.75


Minor Variance Application Form

Part Lot Control

Part Lot Control regulates the sale or transfer of part of a lot or block within a registered plan of subdivision. It allows municipalities to:

  • regulate the sale transfer, or
  • division of part lots or blocks within a Plan of Subdivision after the plan has been registered.

Property owners can apply for a Part Lot Control to remove part lot control from a lot or block within a Registered Plan of Subdivision.

  1. Applicant has a pre-consultation (Pre-Consultation Form
  2. Applicant submits application with the required fee
  3. Council Decision



Application Processing Fee

$534.50 + $21.50 per lot created

Planning Application Registration Fee

$21.50 per lot created, covers ongoing monitoring of conveyances under the by-law, receipt & filing of reference plans – due upon completion of all conveyances

Legal Fees

$801.75 The applicant is responsible for all legal fees associated with the registration and repeal of the by-law.

County Fee

$500 (separate cheque made payable to "The County of Elgin") 


Part Lot Application Form

Consent (Severance)

A consent (severance) application is required to create a new lot, add to an existing lot or give the right to use part of a lot.

Elgin County Land Division Committee is the approval authority for consents. 

Site Plan Approval

A site plan control application ensures that land development and alteration meets the development standards and policies approved by the municipality. The Municipality’s Site Plan Control By-law identifies the land uses that are subject to site plan approval, including:

  • Commercial
  • Industrial
  • Open Space
  • Institutional 
  • Multi-Residential Development
  1. Applicant submits pre-consultation form and required fee
  2. Applicant has a pre-consultation meeting with the Central Elgin Planning Office 
  3. Application and required fee submitted
  4. Application reviewed and circulated with appropriate parties
  5. Council Decision

The application fee is $553.75

Site Plan Approval Pre-Consultation Form

Zoning By-law Amendment

A Zoning By-law application (“rezoning”) is required when a proposed use or structure does not meet the requirements of the Municipalities Zoning By-law. A Re-Zoning application must conform to the Official Plan. If it doesn't, you may need an official plan amendment as well

A temporary use By-law application may be issued to permit specific temporary uses if a circumstance exists that requires the use for a short period, but does not warrant a change of property zoning. Temporary use by-laws may permit the specific use for a maximum period of 3 years at a time, with the possibility of extensions.

  1. Applicant has a pre-consultation (Pre-Consultation Form)
  2. Applicant submits application with required fees
  3. Notice of Public Hearing - The Municipality will send a Public Hearing Notice to surrounding property owners, a minimum 10 days before the Hearing and post a sign on the property to advise the public of an application for a Zoning Amendment
  4. Public Hearing - Anyone may attend, and may speak or provide a written submission regarding the application
  5. By-law - After the Public Hearing, Council will consider the zoning by-law amendment at a future meeting.
  6. Notice of Passing - A Notice of Passing is mailed out to those who provided written request.
  7. Appeal- If there is no appeal, the decision is final and binding 20 days after the decision is made. If there is an appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal, then they may hold a hearing.

The application fee is $830.50

Zoning By-law Amendment Application Form

Official Plan Amendment

If your plans for developing your property are not consistent with the Official Plan, you will need to apply for an Official Plan Amendment.

  1. Applicant has a pre-consultation meeting (Pre-Consultation Form)
  2. Applicant submits application and required fee
  3. Notice of Public Hearing - The Municipality will send a Public Hearing Notice to surrounding property owners, a minimum 10 days before the Hearing and post a sign on the property to advise the public of an application for an Official Plan Amendment
  4. Public Hearing- Anyone may attend, and may speak or provide a written submission regarding the application
  5. By-law - After the Public Hearing, Council will consider the zoning by-law amendment of a future meeting.
  6. Notice of Passing - A Notice of Passing is mailed out to those who provided written request.
  7. Appeal - If there is no appeal, the decision is final and binding 20 days after the decision is made. If there is an appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal, then they may hold a hearing.

The application fee is $830.50

Official Plan Amendment Application Form

Current Planning and Development Applications

Check out the Current Planning and Development Applications in the Municipality of Central Elgin. You can follow along with project updates!

Heritage Design Guidelines

While the Municipality does not have a specific heritage district, Central Elgin Council has approved Heritage Design Guidelines for the community of Port Stanley.