A Business Improvement Area or BIA represents a group of property and business owners within a defined geographic area who collectively develop, promote and protect the commercial viability of the area. A BIA is established through municipal by-law and is governed under The Municipal Act, Sub-Sections 204-215.

The Port Stanley Business Improvement Area is the only BIA in the Municipality of Central Elgin and are playing an important role in developing and sustaining its business area. Their efforts include the promotion of the business within the BIA through various mediums including business directories, newsletters and radio advertisements.

The BIA sponsors a number of community events and works diligently with its community partners to collectively develop and implement strategies to improve the neighbourhood.

Committee Members

To view the members of the Port Stanley BIA please visit the Boards and Committees page.


To view the upcoming Port Stanley BIA meetings, agendas and minutes from past meetings, please visit the CivicWeb website.


The Municipal Act requires local board to adopt certain policies, which can be viewed below.