The Municipality of Central Elgin is committed to accountability and transparency. This is done by regularly publishing agendas, meeting minutesfinancial statements, council reports, and strategic plans. 

Council Procedures

The rules governing Council meetings are set out in the Municipal Act and Procedural By-law adopted by Council.

Code of Conduct

There is a Code of Conduct for Members of Council of the Municipality of Central Elgin. If you have concerns about the conduct of a member of Council, please fill out the Integrity Commissioner Form that can be submitted to the Integrity Commissioner:

Meghan Cowan
Phone 416-865-4722
Administrative Assistant: Hilary Butten - 416-865-7789, ext. 5014

Customer Service

The Municipality is committed to a fair, consistent and transparent process to respond to stakeholder service complaints regarding any of our programs, facilities, services and procedures, as supported by the Stakeholder Service Standards Policy. Where a stakeholder has a complaint, the stakeholder may submit a formal complaint.

Freedom of Information Requests

Learn how to file a Freedom of Information Request in the Municipality of Central Elgin. You can request access to any government record that isn’t publicly available.

Investigation of Closed Meetings

Anyone wishing to question the appropriateness of a meeting of Council or a committee that was closed to the public may submit a Closed Meeting Complaint Form.

A Closed Meeting Investigator will decide whether an investigation is warranted and if so, conduct an investigation and submit the findings and recommendations to an open meeting of Council.


The Ombudsman reports directly to Council and may investigate, independently, complaints about any decision or recommendation made or act done or omitted in the course of the administration of the municipality, its local boards and such municipally-controlled corporations as the municipality may specify.  The Ombudsman for the Municipality of Central Elgin is:

John Mascarin
Phone 416-865-7721
Administrative Assistant: Katie MacDonald - 416-65-7789, ext. 3169